012025 — Freelance with Isaac Powell
022024 — Freelance with Isaac Powell
032024 — Freelance with Cosmic Shelter
042024 — Freelance with Ashfall Studio - WebGL by Paul Soulhiard.
052024 — Freelance with Griflan and - WebGL by Vincent Weyh.
072024 — Freelance with Daniel Spatzek.
092023 — Freelance with Fix Studio and Ingamana.
102022 — Freelance with Parallax — WebGL by Nicolas Garnier.
112022 — Freelance with Ingamana
122021 — Freelance with Outpost & Stephen Hannon
132021 — Freelance with Goodkids
142021 — Freelance with Green Chameleon — WebGL by GC.
thomas aufresne
front-end developer
Hi, I'm Thomas!
As an independant creative developer, I help agencies and designers create digital experiences, with an emphasis on interaction, effectiveness, and creativity.
I have been fortunate enough to collaborate with a lot of talented people, that helped me grow as a creative mind.
Originally from Lyon 🇫🇷, I am now based in Amsterdam 🇳🇱 and officiating as a fulltime freelancer.